Penulis: M. Khalid Fredy Saputra ; Lili Amaliah ; Mohammad Sadli ; Eko Prastyo ; Dr. Abd. Rozak ; Dr. Muh. Risal Tawil ; Devin Mahendika ; Wita Oileri Tikirik ; Asbath Said ; Ria Wahyuni
Editor : Dr. Mansoor Abdul Hamid, P.hD
No. ISBN: 978-623-09-8361-0
Harga Buku : 100.000,-
Sinopsis: Health promotion is a process to empower society through Activities to inform, influence and help the community to play an active role in supporting changes in behavior and the environment as well as maintaining and improving health towards an optimal level of health. Health promotion can be done by providing information to the public about health to increase the level of knowledge and understanding related to health in the community. Health promotion at Community Health Centers is an effort to empower the community with the aim of preventing disease and improving community health independently, as well as developing health efforts from the community itself.