Penulis: Muh. Risal Tawil ; Cut Mutiah ; Ainun Jariyah ; Aulia Asman ; Agus Sudrajat ; Roslin E. M. Sormin ; Astin Nur Hanifah ; Susanti ; Fardila Elba ; Silvia Mona ; Samila ; Fitri Andriani
Editor : Sumarmi, S.Kep, Ns, M.Sc, P.hD
No. ISBN: 978-623-09-7699-5
Harga Buku : 100.000,-
Sinopsis: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIB) is the process of letting the baby breastfeed alone immediately after birth and breastfeed for an hour or more. In principle, EIB is direct contact between the mother’s skin and the baby’s skin, the baby is placed on his stomach on the chest or on the mother’s stomach as soon as possible after the whole body is dried.