Concept of Health and Mental Disorders (in the Perspective of Mental Nursing)

Penulis: Arif Munandar ; Dr. Muh. Risal Tawil ; Agustini Liviana Dwi Rahmawati ; Dr. Dian Meiliani Yulis ; Supriatin ; Cut Mutia Tatisina ; Aminuddin ; Ferdinandus Suban Hoda ; Achmad Hilal ; Leli ; Rahmiyani Saad ; Roslin EM. Sormin ; M. Agus Jabir

Editor : Dr. Shermina Oruh, SKM, DESS

No. ISBN: 978-623-10-0797-1

Harga Buku : 100.000,-

Sinopsis: The Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS) officially recognizes mental health nursing as one of the five mental health disciplines. The American Nurses Association (ANA) agrees with the CMHS, which explains that mental health nursing is a special field in nursing practice that uses knowledge of human behavior as its basis and uses oneself (expressions, body movements, language, eye gaze, touch, and tone of voice) in a therapeutic way as a tip to improve, maintain, restore the mental health of patients and communities wherever they are. (Prabowo, 2014) provides an explanation that mental health nursing skills are caring for someone who has a mental disorder where nurses must have the knowledge and skills (sensitive, willing to listen, not blaming, and providing encouragement) to find the basic needs of patients who are disturbed such as physical needs, a sense of security and comfort, the need to love and be loved, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

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