Penulis: Abdul Rivai Saleh Dunggio ; Maidina Putri ; Astin Nur Hanifah ; Indrayadi ; Sara Surya ; Lely Meriaya Sari ; Devin Mahendika ; Agung Nur Cahyanta ; Osie Listina ; Adisty Dwi Treasa ; Dr. Nofita Dewi Kok Mesa ; Dwi Wulandari Ningtias Purnama
Editor : Sumarmi, S.Kep, Ns, M.Sc, PhD
No. ISBN: 978-623-10-7162-0
Harga Buku : 100.000,-
Sinopsis: Complementary Traditional Therapy Healthcare is an approach to medicine that combines the principles of traditional medicine with modern medical therapies. This approach aims to improve one’s physical, mental and emotional well-being by utilizing natural remedies that have been used for generations in various cultures.
Through a combination of modern and traditional medical approaches, it provides a solution for individuals seeking a more natural alternative or complement to medicine. With a more holistic and personalized approach, complementary therapies aim to create balance in the body and mind, and promote disease prevention through a healthy lifestyle.