Penulis: M. Khalid Fredy Saputra ; Rahmat ; Antonius Rino Vanchapo ; Rahmat Ramli ; Julia Fitrianingsih ; Marylin S. Junias ; Dr. Herman ; Asrianto ; Nurhaedah ; Nur Hasanah ; Rachmawaty M Noer
Editor : Dr. Shermina Oruh, SKM, DESS
No. ISBN: 978-623-10-1237-1
Harga Buku : 100.000,-
Sinopsis: More environment Healthy can prevent almost quarter from burden global disease. The COVID-19 pandemic is reminder more carry on about complicated relationship between humans and the human planet that alone. Clean air, stable climate, adequate water, sanitation and hygiene, use material safe chemistry, protection from radiation, place healthy and safe work, practices good agriculture, cities and a supportive environment health, and preserved nature is precondition for good health.